Wednesday, March 26, 2008

THe Crazy Behind the Curtain

Have you ever been having a pleasant or decent conversation with a stranger, everything is going well, you are chatting and getting along swimmingly. Then out of the blue Mr or Mrs. Kind Stranger says something that is a shade "off". By "off", i mean crazy. Something that makes you wonder if you heard the person correctly. You carry on with the conversation, all the while, replaying and reasoning through this nugget of crazy the seemingly normal stranger has dropped on you. Then the craziness escalates and the person says something else that confirms that they aren't exactly normal/sane. It becomes obvious to you that there is some sort of mental dysfunction and/or defect behind the curtain. Pay no attention to the crazy behind the curtain ( Wizard of Oz reference). At this point you switch into escape mode, trying to figure out how to casually, but effectively end the conversation. You can't let on that you are on to their crazy. If you do, then God help you because slightly nutty could become full blown, hostage situation, hide the sharp objects insanity.

When you do manage to extricate yourself from the situation you walk away thinking " Damn, so close".

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